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Why avoiding triggers won't help you overcome anxiety

Have you ever found yourself actively dodging situations, conversations, or encounters that poke at your anxiety? You are not alone. Many people tiptoe around their triggers in a bid to find solace. However, avoidance might just be a Band-Aid solution that hinders the journey towards overcoming anxiety.

The Paradox of Avoidance

You've likely heard the phrase 'What you resist persists.' To unpack this concept, let's examine the elephant in the room: avoidance. By deliberately sidestepping a situation that stirs anxiety, you might gain temporary relief. However, doing so reinforces the belief that this trigger is perilous and can also prolong your suffering.

Exposure: Stepping into Your Discomfort Zone

Here's a reality check: Confronting your triggers can seem counterintuitive but introducing gradual exposure to them can help dismantle anxiety's grip over you. The key is to face these uncomfortable situations in incremental doses to foster resilience and emotional strength.

Progressive Strategies for Befriending Your Triggers

1. Create a hierarchy of fears: List down your triggers from least to most anxiety-provoking. This allows you to gauge your progress as you shift through their varying degrees.

2. Debunk catastrophic thoughts: Repeatedly visualize yourself in an anxiety-triggering situation while challenging negative thoughts with rational reframes.

3. Celebrate small victories: With each successful step, celebrate! Acknowledging even minor wins builds your confidence and motivates further growth.

4. Seek support: You don't have to go it alone—friends, family, or professionals are invaluable sources of encouragement during this vulnerable phase.

Forging Forward with a Fearless Mindset

Remember, the intent of facing your triggers is not to eradicate anxiety but to rewire your brain’s response to them. Over time, the intensity of your fears will subside, and you’ll enjoy greater self-assurance and peace.

Dodging triggers does not lead to long-lasting freedom from anxiety; rather, it keeps us trapped in a cycle of fear and avoidance. By taking small steps towards facing our challenges head-on, we can build invaluable coping skills that promote growth, resilience, and healing.

Are you ready to take the first step towards embracing your triggers and overcoming anxiety? Contact us today to find out how we can work together .

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